
General Rules

  1. Respect and Ethics:
    • Show respect to other users and the news author.
    • Do not use obscene language or insult other users.
  2. Constructive Criticism:
    • Strive to be constructive and reasoned when expressing your opinion.
    • Avoid personal attacks and aggression.
  3. Legal Compliance:
    • Do not publish materials that violate the laws of the USA and the EU.
    • Respect intellectual property rights and do not post links to pirate resources.
  4. Confidentiality:
    • Do not share personal information about other users without their consent.
    • Maintain confidentiality and do not publish personal data.
  5. Relevance to the Topic:
    • Comments should be related to the news or article topic.
    • Avoid off-topic comments and spam.
  6. Argumentation:
    • Express your opinion with arguments and facts.
    • Avoid unsubstantiated statements and rumors.
  7. Respectful Communication:
    • Do not allow insults, slander, incitement of hatred, or discrimination.
    • Maintain a friendly atmosphere on the site.
  8. Prohibited Content:
    • Do not publish spam, advertisements, fake news, or unverified information.
    • Avoid extremist statements and calls for violence.
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    • Use clear language and proper text formatting.
    • Avoid excessive use of capital letters, emojis, and special characters.
  10. Moderation:
    • Acknowledge the right of the site administration to delete or edit comments that do not comply with the rules.
    • If you disagree with the moderators’ actions, contact them through the designated channels.
  11. Feedback:
    • If you have suggestions or comments about the site’s operation, contact us at:

These rules will help create a civilized and respectful community on RUSIA.NEWS, where everyone can freely express their opinions while adhering to communication norms and laws.

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